Postural Analysis
At various times during our lives, from the teenage years, to changes that occur in women during pregnancy, to injury and illness related changes in later life; posture and spinal alignment can become a significant challenge.
In fact, gravity is constantly challenging our ability to keep our body in alignment.
Postural issues are more significant than the unflattering or unsightly appearance of sitting in a slumped position or standing with the shoulders rounded forward.
Poor posture can take a tremendous toll on the spine (neck), shoulders, and hips to name a few. Poor posture can cause a cascade of structural issues that often result in pain, loss of flexibility and strength, and ultimately a decrease in function.
Most people are unaware that they have poor posture and that it may be contributing to pain and breakdown over time.
Postural Analysis is the process of evaluating the body position of the client and most importantly, helping the client to understand the corrective actions needed based on the evaluation. For more information, please contact us or register to set up an appointment.
In fact, gravity is constantly challenging our ability to keep our body in alignment.
Postural issues are more significant than the unflattering or unsightly appearance of sitting in a slumped position or standing with the shoulders rounded forward.
Poor posture can take a tremendous toll on the spine (neck), shoulders, and hips to name a few. Poor posture can cause a cascade of structural issues that often result in pain, loss of flexibility and strength, and ultimately a decrease in function.
Most people are unaware that they have poor posture and that it may be contributing to pain and breakdown over time.
Postural Analysis is the process of evaluating the body position of the client and most importantly, helping the client to understand the corrective actions needed based on the evaluation. For more information, please contact us or register to set up an appointment.